configure(); $this->setPageKey($_REQUEST[CONTKEY]); if($_auth) $this->authenticate($_auth); $sitemap = array(); if(isset($this->setup[OMNI])) $sitemap = $this->setup[OMNI]; $sitemap[CONTENTS] = $GLOBALS[SITEMAP]; $this->setSitemap($sitemap); $this->display($this->getSitemap()); } /** * Retrieves a {@link Controller} object specified by the parameter. * @param $_name A String containing the name of the Controller to be created. * @return Controller */ function &getController($_name) { $c =& new Controller($_name, $this->getDb(), $_REQUEST); return $c; } /** * Sets the $sitemap property. * @param $_sitemap Array containing the sitemap. */ function setSitemap($_sitemap) { $this->sitemap = $_sitemap; } /** * Returns the $sitemap property. * @return Array */ function &getSitemap() { return $this->sitemap; } /** * Abstract method for displaying a View. */ function display() { } /** * Sets the {@link pageKey} property. That property defines which section of the site is to be displayed. * @param $_key A string -- the value that the property is to be set to. * If omitted, the default value is used. */ function setPageKey($_key = false) { $this->pageKey = $_key ? $_key : $this->setup[DEF][CONTKEY]; } /** * Returns the value of the {@link pageKey} property. * @return String */ function getPageKey() { if(!isset($this->pageKey)) $this->setPageKey(); return $this->pageKey; } } ?>
Fatal error: Class 'ViewController' not found in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 14